club president
Twenty-five years ago fifteen charter members of Early Day Gas
Engine and Tractor Association, Wisconsin Branch Two held their
first show at the Adolph Nettesheim farm near Waukesha,
The show grew rapidly, and after three years, had to move to the
Sussex, Wisconsin Village park for more space. The park features a
glacier basin, or kettle, which forms a natural amphitheater for a
full view of all activities. This unique showground always brings
enthusiastic comment from visitors.
The 1983 Silver Jubilee Show drew close to 300 exhibitors, who
were each awarded a specially cast plaque. There was an equally
enthusiastic crowd in attendance. Our traditional date is one week
before Labor Day.
We have featured both steam and gas engines from the very first,
and some of our engines are passing along from father to son, and
even grandson!
The accompanying photos show some of the variety of exhibits we
have to interest the whole family.