Rumely Collector’s Expo Series Moves East!

By Staff
Published on August 1, 1994

Rumely Collector’s News, 12109 Mennonite Church Road,
Tremont, Illinois 61568

Rumely OilPull! The name alone stirs the emotions of young and
old alike, perhaps more than any other antique tractor. Go to any
given show, with hundreds of wonderful old iron horses, and the
crowd always seems to gather around the OilPull. How many other
tractors do you know that are listed along with the events in the
show bills and advertising, ‘Steam Engines, Threshing, Tractor
Pull, OilPulls!’?

The second in a series of Expos showcasing these and other
machines from the Rumely empire will be held this year at the New
York Steam Engine Association’s annual Pageant of Steam in
Canandaigua, New York, August 11-14.

The Rumely Collector’s Expo Association was formed to
preserve and honor the memory of the men, women and machines of the
M. Rumely and Advance-Rumely companies who contributed so much to
the development of early America. Companies that were purchased by
the Rumely company play an important role in the Expo, too. Names
like Gaar Scott, Aultman-Taylor, Advance Thresher, and Northwest
Thresher Company reflect a heritage every bit as rich as that of
the Rumely empire. Collectors and machines of all these companies
are invited to share the spotlight in Canandaigua.

Rumely Collector’s Expo 93 turned out to be the largest
collection of Rumely-related equipment since the company closed its
doors. Whether you have a tractor, steam engine, separator,
machinery, memorabilia, old photos and posters or just memories and
the desire for a good time, everyone is ‘urged to converge’
on Canandaigua to help set a new record!

A large display tent will be available for memorabilia, photo
and scrapbook exhibits. Collectors with related items to sell or
swap are especially invited to join in the fun. For information on
exhibiting please contact Dave Shearns, 5569 Joy Road, Marion, New
York 14505, (315) 483-9419. More detailed information is available
through the official Expo publication, Rumely Collector’s

Ours is a fast-disappearing heritage, with all of these
companies having faded from the scene decades ago. We especially
need to preserve the history of old dealerships, company records,
employee recollections and the like. We would especially like to
borrow photos of dealerships, branch houses and factory scenes for
a special display. Any information on any of these companies would
be deeply appreciated!

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