130 Serpentine Drive, Bayville, New Jersey 08721
To a beautiful and historic country setting add: Sunshine,
Cool October air, People in colonial attire, About 150 gas engines,
Several tractors and implements, Antique autos, Numerous working
displays, Good food and plenty of it. Let this mixture stand for
about eight hours. Garnish with smiles and friendly conversation.
Serves 30-40,000.
That, in a nutshell, describes the Batsto Country Living Fair of
1992, but it does not do justice to the efforts of the many people
who worked so hard to make it happen.
Permit me to right that by mentioning just a few: First of all
we wish to thank the employees of Historic Batsto Village and State
Park for undertaking one of the most successful fall events in New
Jersey, and a ‘must see’ for anyone traveling or living in
the Mid-Atlantic region. Special thanks goes to Tom Ackerman; his
efforts always insure that the machinery display area is well set
up and runs safely and smoothly. No doubt, pound for pound, one of
the biggest contributions is George Archer’s 50 HP
Fairbanks-Morse. Just watching this giant engine being loaded and
unloaded from his trailer is fascinating.
The Pinelands Antique Engine Association was privileged once
again to gather with fellow collectors from all over the state. We
hope that you will join us for the 1993 show on Sunday, October
17th. For more information contact me at 908-269-6580.