OZARK Heritage Festival

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1993
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Rt 1, Box 1173, Piedmont, Missouri 63957.

The fall of ’92 again was a beautiful time for our Ozark
Heritage Festival and Craft Show. The colors were beautiful and the
weather was perfect. Cool nights and mornings. Perfect for a
campfire and swapping of stories. Sunshine all day as the young and
the old alike could enjoy all the activities.

Over 9,000 spectators enjoyed crafts, games, rides, contests,
the antique car show, and of course the antique engine and antique
tractor exhibits and contests. Plaques, buttons, oil and gas were
given to all exhibitors, along with a special handmade gift for the

This year we had 120 antique engines, nine antique tractors, a
corn sheller and grinder display and several small log saws. The
antique tractor guys got to play with their toys this year. We had
several contests for the antique tractors.

An open air square dance was enjoyed by all on Friday evening.
At 6:00 A.M. Saturday morning we were all awakened by cannon fire
from the beginning of the Civil War reenactment. We have a lot of
Civil War history in the Piedmont area and surrounding area.

At 12:00 noon Saturday all antique engine and antique tractor
exhibitors were treated to homemade beef stew, corn bread, cake and
beverages. Of course, our chief chef, Jim Crowley, cooked chili
over an open fire in a large iron kettle. By 5:00 P.M. everyone was
lining up ready to eat again. Chili along with all the
accompaniments, homemade blackberry cobbler, homemade cheesecake,
coffee, iced tea and lemonade was enjoyed by all.

Our thanks to all the exhibitors and all the spectators. Without
you we could not have such a great show. We also wish to thank all
the merchants who donated to our show (food, gas, oil, plaques and

We invite everyone to come and join us in ’93. The show is
always the third weekend of October and who knows what surprises we
will have for you next year.

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