Oliver People

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1993

4777 Upper Valley Pike, Dayton, Ohio 45424.

Since the formation of the Hart Parr Oliver Collectors
Association more than two years ago, those so inclined have grown
in numbers. Clusters of Oliver people have been very visible at
shows in addition to the local gatherings in different states. In
the Tri-State area of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, there is a great
enthusiasm about the darker shade of green, with get-togethers
other than the National Organization’s winter and summer

Bill and Margaret Gamble of Will-shire, Ohio, hosted the second
plowing at their beautiful farm on September 12, 1992. Some 250
people attended, some bringing their own tractors and plows. It was
a fun day, with plans for another in the future.

A Sunday outing was held at Bear-creek Farms near Bryant,
Indiana, on November 22, 1992. This miniature resort with guest
houses, craft shops, a live theater and beautiful restaurant, was a
fine choice, as we could use the social hall for our meeting and
the restaurant for our dining.

The afternoon was spent talking about our hobby and watching
videotapes of Oliver activities. Much of the time was spent
suggesting ways to make the National H.P.O.C.A. stronger and more
viable. It was agreed that this new organization had some growing
pains, but any suggestion of a second National Oliver organization
was soundly defeated. It was agreed that whatever a local group
might do, it should be within the bounds of the Hart Parr Oliver
Collectors Association.

After a great dinner of ham and chicken with all the trimmings,
Mike Hodupp with a display of elan solicited comments from the
cheerful crowd. It was established that a Tri-State club as an
adjunct of the H.P.O.C.A. would provide the facility for area
meetings and communication. Without the parameters of Roberts’
Rules of Order, Bill Gamble became president and Mary Hodupp
secretary and treasurer. Mark Schuler will certainly be a big
honcho in the group’s activities.

Wayne Wiltse, president of the national organization, has
scheduled the third annual winter get-together February 6-7, 1993
at the Quality Inn Motel, Collinsville, Illinois. It was timed to
coincide with the famed Gateway Farm Toy Show in St. Louis, which
is nearby. The national summer meet will be August 19-21 at Prairie
Village, Madison, Wisconsin, a favorite gathering place for engine

The Tri-State group has been invited to the farm of Jim and
Laquita Kline near Greenfield, Ohio in March. This will be an
enjoyable time to see their large collection of Olivers and enjoy a
fine dinner. It was suggested that there be a big showing of Oliver
tractors in 1993 at the show in Findley, Ohio.

The passing months have seen the proliferation of publications
dealing with tractor and engine collecting. For me, Gas Engine
Magazine excels in this subject. What is vitally needed is a
publication showing a picture with a descriptive paragraph on every
model and modification of a particular make. The Tractor Field Book
doesn’t go far enough.

What will the conclusion be? Every year there are more
collectors and fewer pieces to buy.

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