The 1995 Midwest Old Threshers Reunion was a major success! With
five days of absolutely perfect show weather, Midwest Old Threshers
had the second largest crowd ever in its forty-five year history.
‘With the cooperation of the weather and the great family
entertainment that is inherent in our show, we were very pleased
with this year’s attendance,’ said Old Threshers
Administrator Lennis Moore.
Once again the gas engine area was a big draw for the show. With
over 1,000 engines exhibited, the area was viewed by thousands of
Reunion visitors. Various demonstrations were performed throughout
the show, including corn shelling, water pumping, rock crushing,
miniature baling, grist mill grinding, and a lot more. Not only
were these demonstrations fun to watch, they also showed the
Reunion visitor how common tasks were performed on the farm many
years ago.
The gas engine area also had a new attraction this year a sand
box filled with Ertl toys for the kids to play with. ‘This was
a huge success for our area,’ says area director Louis Tuller.
‘That sand box was filled with kids all the time.’ Many
thanks to the Ertl Company for donating the toys for the kids to
Lauson Frost Kings were the featured engine in 1995, and the
area had many wonderfully restored engines exhibited. Our thanks to
those who took the time to shine up their engines and bring them to
Mt. Pleasant to entertain our visitors.
If you missed the Lauson Frost King being featured last year,
get ready for 1996 by getting your Foos engines in show condition.
They will be the 1996 featured engine. The 1996 Reunion dates are
August 29 through September 2.
We were glad to welcome C. H. Wendel to our grounds again last
year. The tent he was set up in was well attended as he represented
Stemgas Publishing. He also had a part in surprising Administrator
Lennis Moore. The crowd in the grandstand expected Mr. Wendel to
speak about the Stemgas publications and welcome them to the show.
What a shock, when he spoke briefly about Stemgas and then
introduced Foundation Board President, David Timmerman. President
Timmerman presented a special recognition plaque to Lennis Moore
for all the hard work he put into building ‘American Farm
Implements,’ a new exhibit just opened on the Old Threshers
What a terrific show it was in 1995!! Thanks to all the
volunteers and exhibitors who made it happen. We’ll see you
August 29-September 2 in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, at the 1996 Midwest
Old Thresher’s Reunion, where history lives!!!