By Staff
Published on January 1, 1984
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Paul Carey is shown here feeding corn into a sheller. Many items were brought out and Paul had his trailer full. Also shown is the Ford tractor mentioned in the article below.

RD#1 Brush Creek Road, Manor, Pennsylvania 15665

On the second week of August, 1983, the Fort Allen Antique Farm
Equipment Association, in conjunction with the Harrold Fair, held
it’s annual Harrold Fair Show.

It was a good show and never a dull moment. The school on the
showgrounds was filled with canned goods, vegetables, baked goods,
quilts and other arts and crafts ready to be judged.

We showed steam engines, many tractors and engines, plus a
shingle mill and a lumber mill. One of the most unique tractors
there was a 1925 Ford tractor used in the Ford Foundry. This is not
a Fordson, but a Ford tractor made using a Ford auto engine. There
were 36 members at the show, and each member received a plaque.

We were grinding wheat and corn to make flour and cornmeal. The
lumber we were cutting is going to be used to build a building in
Delmont in which we can store and restore implements.

Our youngest member, 13-year-old Eric Benson, collected other
members rags to be washed in a Maytag washing machine. Wally
Johnston and Todd Welty displayed some hot tube engines purchased
near Kane, Pennsylvania. Melvin Bailey ran the shingle mill while
Clyde Allshouse took care of the lumber mill. Paul Carey was out
with his miscellaneous engines, lawn-mowers and butter churns. Rich
‘Smokeman’ Simpson was there with his steamroller.

Despite the smoke, we were able to survive until Saturday, when
the Harrolds Fair came to a close for another year.

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