Gas Engine Show in Canada’s Maritime Provinces

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1995
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R.R. #2, (Dobson’s Corner) Salisbury, Nova Scotia EOA

The efforts to preserve and publicize an important part of
history took a significant step forward on October 1, 1994 when the
first antique gas engine and machinery show in New Brunswick was
held. The event took place as part of the New Brunswick
Agricultural Museum’s annual Harvest Day held on museum grounds
in Sussex, New Bruns wick. Exhibitors from Nova Scotia, Prince
Edward Island and New Bruns wick displayed 28 engines, several
power saws and six pieces of machinery including a cement mixer,
blacksmith’s post drill and a hay cutter. Some participants
traveled over 150 miles.

Three engines were used to power the museum-owned wood cutter,
hay press and threshing machine. A wagon load of oats was threshed
and the straw was pressed.

Members of the museum society served baked beans, brown bread
and gingerbread with whipped cream. The beans were kept hot on an
old wood-burning kitchen range. During the meal local musicians
entertained with guitars, banjos and fiddles. All participants were
served free while spectators paid $5.00. There were no registration
fees or admission charges.

About the pictures: I do not have the name of the boy pumping
water. The other picture shows Stan Mosher, his son and grandson
from Truro, Nova Scotia, starting one of their engines. Although
the day was cool, cloudy and windy, a good crowd enjoyed the
exhibition and we are looking forward to a bigger and better show
on June 17, 1995, and in September 1995. Anyone interested can
contact the author.

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