By Staff
Published on November 1, 1992
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A 1902 Frisco Marine Engine manufactured in San Francisco, and considered very rare. This engine was displayed by Mark Alge of Buena Park, California.
A 1902 Frisco Marine Engine manufactured in San Francisco, and considered very rare. This engine was displayed by Mark Alge of Buena Park, California.
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Don Peterson exhibiting his large 25 HP 1913 Sheffield engine. His wife Peggy assists him whenever her services are needed, as well as being secretary/treasurer of the Branch.
Don Peterson exhibiting his large 25 HP 1913 Sheffield engine. His wife Peggy assists him whenever her services are needed, as well as being secretary/treasurer of the Branch.

43138 Road 52 Reedley, California 93654

Sunny skies and warm temperatures prevailed at Lindy’s
Landing along the beautiful banks of the Kings River near Reedley,
California on May 16 & 17, 1992 where Branch 8 of the Early Day
Gas Engine & Tractor Association observed their 12th annual
Crank Up Show. The showgrounds were well groomed with plenty of
green grass, well marked trails, plus plenty of shade.

Weeks of advance planning and preparation had taken place prior
to show dates in order that all details would fall into place. Show
director John Boyajian had arranged for the many details necessary
for a successful show.

Approximately 45-50 registered exhibitors brought their old iron
and expensive toys for exhibition. They began to arrive several
days before the show and camped on the grounds in preparation for
the days of fun and enjoyment. Dick and Holly Wilson received the
honor of coming the farthest distance and brought their Gray engine
with a water pumping demonstration. Mark Alge, of Buena Park (Los
Angeles area), arrived several days early so he could set up under
his favorite shade tree. He exhibited a 1902 Frisco Standard Marine
engine, which is considered to be very rare. Mark asked that his
name be mentioned so he could prove to his wife that he actually
attended an engine show, for she (who did not come along) could not
believe that anyone would travel 200 miles and sit for three days
beside an old engine and enjoy it.

There were a number of engines displayed, including two large
engines which drew much attention: Boyajian brothers displayed
their 30 HP Superior which always makes a hit wherever it is shown,
as well as several other smaller engines which they exhibited. Don
and Peggy Peterson displayed their larger 1913, 25 HP Sheffield
engine, which drew much attention as it produced a loud exhaust and
smoke rings, which everyone enjoys. In addition, there were
numerous other smaller engines displayed by Floyd and Ken Schmall,
Menno and Ann Kliewer, Bill and Stacy Paloutzian, David and Belle
Kope, Don and William Bennett, Jake and Esther Golbek, John
Shipley, and others of whom I do not have a record.

The tractor exhibition was glamorous and well represented, with
John Deere seeming predominant, although we did have Case, Ford,
Oliver, Waterloo Boy and several crawlers as well. These tractor
men had a heyday as they drove their tractors around the
showgrounds and trails doing fancy skilled driving, just like a boy
playing with his toy tractors, although they kept the safety factor
in mind at all times. The more conservative drivers, like myself,
offered free rides to the kids, who enjoyed it very much, as the
passenger waiting line became longer instead of shorter. For a
youngster to take hold of a steering wheel, while the tractor is.
moving, gives him great joy and delight. Whenever the tractor derby
seemed to calm down, the organized tractor skilled events started
to take place under strict supervision. There were slow races, fast
races, slow reverse races, and general skilled performances.
Visitors learned that it is much more difficult to have a tractor
perform in a slow race than in a fast race, for in a slow race the
delicate and skilled performance of the tractor engine and
driver/owner is tested. Again, here all safety factors were
emphasized. Members who exhibited tractors were: Jeff Golbek, Menno
Kliewer, Steve Vogt, Doug Peltzer, Robbie Soults, Cal Middleton,
and Joel Kroeker. My apology to anyone who has been omitted.

While all these events were taking place throughout the day,
Stacy Paloutzian and her associates were busy tending to the sale
of items at the store. These ladies’ services are greatly
appreciated, and add to the success of the show. Not to be
overlooked was the presentation of our 1? HP John Deere raffle
engine prepared and restored by one of our faithful members, Jeff
John, who also was busy selling raffle tickets.

Little Jacob Vogt, 6 years old, our youngest Branch 8 member,
was full of action with his Case pedal tractor right beside his
dad’s 1936 Case tractor, and observing with great enthusiasm
all the events that his dad entered, anticipating the day when he,
too, could lay aside his pedal tractor and join the grownups.

Special recognition was given young Jacob at the business
meeting later in the evening. At 5:00 p.m. Saturday all members
stopped their engines and met for a barbecue steak dinner which was
highlighted with laughter and story telling. Thereafter President
Floyd Schmall took command and called for a business meeting where
current business matters, election of National Officers, and future
show schedules were enacted.

The show continued on Sunday with another crowd of exhibitors
and visitors. At noon the Central Valley Horseless Carriage Club
(with members throughout California) entered our showgrounds, as
had previously been arranged for, with about 50-60 antique
automobiles of every make and model known. This was an educational
show in itself and at 1:00 p.m. joint members who were interested
and hungry met for another barbecue steak dinner. This gave all
joint members an opportunity to make new friends and renew old

The closing of a show brings about those moments when everyone
packs up for that long journey home, but before they leave, they
say goodbye or farewell to other Branch members and agree to look
forward to next year, when we plan to observe our 13th annual show,
in May of 1993.

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