National Vice President 3848 S. Farm Road 93 Republic, Missouri
We would like to welcome Branch 70 and 72 into the National.
Branch 70 is located in Prairie Grove, Arizona. Branch 70 is a new
club with 24 members. Gordon Hart, 402 N. Neal, Prairie Grove,
serves as president. Prairie Grove is just southwest of
Fayetteville, Arizona. Branch 72 is located in Riverton, Wyoming.
Donald W. Layton, Box 16, River Lane, River-ton, Wyoming, is
president. Riverton is west of Casper, Wyoming.
Forty-two branches responded to the National about increasing
the amount of our liability insurance. Thirty-nine branches voted
to increase our insurance by three million dollars. So, effective
in April when our annual premium date comes up, our liability
insurance will be four million dollars.
Dates for our National show and Regionals in 1996 are as
NATIONAL Branch 16, September 12,13,14,15 Republic, Missouri.
Contact: Darrell Carter at (417) 833-4159.
SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Branch 32, September 27, 28, 29 Clarksville,
Arizona. Contact: David Morgan at (501) 754-8130.
NORTHEAST REGIONAL Branch 35, June 8,9 Chesappeake, Virginia.
Contact: Curtis Cook at (804) 485-3808.
SOUTHWEST REGIONAL Branch 22, September 27, 28,29 San Diego,
California. Contact: Cliff Northcote at (619) 478-5500 or Dick
Wilson (619) 473-8216.
NORTHWEST REGIONAL Branch 23, July 20, 21 Ridgefield,
Washington. Contact: Brian Campbell at (360) 260-0724.
Mark these dates in your calendar and be there if possible. It
looks like the Southwest and Southeast Regionals are on the same
dates so gas engines will be going strong that weekend.
Until next time!