Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association

By Staff
Published on July 1, 2001

EDGE&TA Vice President 2292 Lake Morena Drive Campo,
California 91906 www.cliffnorthcote@nfmhc.com

Hope you’re all enjoying a great start to the show season
and summer. The Southwest Regional was a great show held in
conjunction with the California Antique Farm Equipment Show in
Tulare, California, April 20-22. There were over 730 exhibitors.
The show started off with some rainy weather, but by Saturday
afternoon the sun was shining. The regional business meeting was
held Friday evening and inductees to the Hall of Fame were
announced. Jerry MacMartin, Hall of Fame chairman, presented
plaques to Harvey Hilands from Branch 15 in Oregon and Ruth Warnock
from Branch 22 in California. Blair Dollery of Branch One in
Wisconsin will be presented his plaque at the Northeast Regional in

Harvey became secretary/treasurer of the National in 1976. He
held that position for ten years, missing only one National
meeting, due to surgery. Ruth is currently National
secretary/treasurer. She assumed this position in April 1998, and
has brought EDGE&TA into the computer age. Both Harvey and Ruth
have been newsletter editors for their local branches and have been
heavily involved in keeping their respective branches running
smoothly. Blair was a charter member of Branch One, and along with
a few others, sat down and organized and incorporated the National
EDGE&TA. He has held numerous positions in Branch One and has
always actively participated in shows. Thanks to all three of you
for what you have contributed to your local branches and also our
National organization.

As the new membership year begins, we currently have 104
branches. Nine of these are new in the last few weeks. The National
membership should reach over 9,000 this year.

Thanks to all of you who support EDGE&TA.

The National show will be hosted by Branch 32 on June 21-June 23
at Ozark, Arkansas. For additional information contact Mike Collins
at (501) 890-4802 or e-mail mcollins@mail.cswnet.com. The National
EDGE&TA business meeting will be held on Friday, June 22 at
1:00 p.m. This will be a great showI hope to see many of you

July 6-7 will be the Northwest Regional show in Great Falls,
Montana, hosted by Branch 62. The Northeast Regional will be hosted
by Branch One in Almelund, Minnesota, August 10-12. The weather
should be cooling down for the last Regional of the year, hosted by
Branch 70 and held in Alvarado, Texas. The dates for this show are
October 26-28.

You may refer to the EDGE&TA web site at
www.ave.net/-edgeta/ for additional information on the upcoming
shows. If your branch does not yet have a web site developed, I
encourage you to create one. Jerry MacMartin, the National Web
Master, can assist you if you need help. This is a great way of
advertising your shows and events. You can also include pictures
which will promote your club.

Remember that safety is our Number One Goal, along with having
fun. Have a great show season!

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