Vice Pres. Rt. 2, Box 167A Republic, Missouri 65738
In the July ’93 issue of GEM, we introduced you to the new
Branch 5 as being Cluinebaug Valley Branch, Waterford, Connecticut.
Instead, it is Quinebaug Valley Engineers Association, 288 Geer
Road, Jewett, Connecticut. We apologize for any inconveniences
caused to Branch 5. We wish them well in their future
The National Show was held June 12, 13, 1993, in Grass Valley,
California. Congratulations to Branch 13 for hosting an outstanding
show. The show was held at the local fair grounds which was an
ideal location with lots of those California pine trees for shade.
My wife, Betty, and I arrived in Grass Valley on Friday. After
checking her into the motel, I went on to check out the show
grounds. There, I met Bill Neatherlin, a member of Branch 13. Bill
had a golf cart and gave me a tour of the show grounds. Later on
that evening, Betty and I had dinner with Menno Kliewer and his
wife, Ann. After dinner, we met with Jack Versteeg and Gus Peterson
to review activities of the past year.
Saturday morning dawned a bright and sunny day. When we arrived
at the show grounds, most of the engines were already in operation.
They had all sizes of engines ranging from Maytag’s to a 75 HP
Fairbanks-Morse. A lot of marine-type engines manufactured in
California were also on display. The National Meeting was held
Saturday night with all officers present except Ed Longhenry,
Director of the East Region, due to an illness in the family.
Details of the meeting will follow in a later article.
Again, a big THANKS to Jerry Virtue and Branch 13 for an
outstanding show.