247 Russett Dr. N. Keizer, Oregon 97303
Our organization continually strives to make itself better and
find better ways to do our job. The Early Day Gas Engine &
Tractor Association has been around for 35 years now, and is
comprised of many people who are just into it for the fun. The
National officers fall into this group. They donate many hours of
their time to help manage the organization. They receive no pay,
just an occasional thank you.
We have 48 active branches, with over 7000 members
We at the National level do our utmost to answer all questions,
solve any problems, and keep the ship in trim and in good shape.
One thing we are very proud of is our safety record. We haven’t
had a reportable accident. This, along with our continuous stress
on safety, have helped us maintain a good record with the insurance
industry. We enjoy low premiums on our insurance.
With show season in full swing, we want to stress the importance
of every member, club and show being very safety conscious. Take
the extra time to correct the slightest little thing before it
grows larger. Have guard ropes up and in good shape; the fire
extinguisher handy; the gas stored out of the way. Have the correct
distances roped off when doing belt work. Nothing can ruin a show
or event quicker than to have an accident.
This year our National Meeting will be hosted by Branch 14, on
their show-grounds in West Jordan, Utah, September 23-26, 1994. All
the Nationals we have attended since 1975 have been wonderful. Lots
of different displays that are not normally seen, old friends to
meet and converse with, news to be made, and a good time by all. At
the National Meeting, the normal business will be conducted with
the election of officers being held. Any member in good standing
may run for any National office. All that is required is that they
send in a statement of desire and a resume to the nominating
committee 120 days prior to the meeting.
We’ve been asked over the years to compare one National to
another. We can’t even begin to do this as they all are
different and held in different areas of the country. It does seem
that when a National comes around, people bring out their best
displays, some you’ve never seen before and probably won’t
see again.
Any groups that are interested in our organization, please feel
free to contact any National officer for information on becoming
affiliated with us.
In closing, let me say that we enjoy all the people we have met
over the years, and hope to meet many more new friends in the years