National Vice President, 3848 South Farm Road 93, Republic,
Missouri 65738
The National Show held this year at Fort Scott, Kansas, was a
great success. It was perfect weather, although I have been there
when it was very wet. President Ron Sevart and his fellow members
did an excellent job of planning the show. As you all know, putting
on a show takes a lot of hard work and preparation before the show
ever starts. Then, you have the last minute details to tend to, but
when the show is over and it is a success you forget about all the
hard work. Again, thanks to Branch 17 for a great show and
The National Meeting opened with roll call of branches with 38
of 98 branches represented.
We have many changes in the National for 1998. Be sure to attend
your local meeting, or contact your local officers about the
changes. All branches should have received a copy of the minutes of
the meeting by now. If not, contact Menno Kliewer.
The inductees to the National Gas and Steam Hall of Fame all
gave inspiring speeches and seemed to be truly grateful for the
honor bestowed upon them.
As the 1997 show season is over, it gives us a chance to look
back and see what we can do to improve our shows for 1998. Also,
look at the safety part and what you can do to make your show
safer. Safety should be a top priority for all shows. We have a
very good track record but there’s always room for