3510 Brooklake Rd., N.E. Brooks, Oregon 97303
It has come to our attention that in the past few months several
clubs that are not affiliated with our organization are using our
name in conjunction with their clubs. I am hereby putting you clubs
on notice that this is illegal. Our name, the Early Day Gas Engine
& Tractor Association, Inc., and the logo EDGE&TA, are
federally registered. They were registered in 1959 at the time of
our incorporation. If your clubs or group would like to continue to
use this name, we would welcome you to come in with us and become a
branch. If you desire to continue using this name without our
permission, we are prepared to assess your group a fee of $2000.00
per year for this right. We take this matter very seriously and do
not feel that it should be ignored. If you don’t feel that we
are serious about this matter, just ignore it and we will take the
necessary steps to correct it. We are prepared to take legal action
on this matter, and if you feel that your group has the funds to
defend it self in court, just give us a try.
We feel that the best way to handle this matter is for your
group to become a branch or just change your name. If there are any
questions on this matter I will be glad to discuss it with you.
Now on to other things. We just recently formed another branch.
It is Branch 42 and is located in the state of Michigan. They are a
very active group and will be beneficial to the National.
At our recent National, a new director for the Eastern Region
was elected. He is Ed Longhenry, president of Branch 1 in the state
of Minnesota. Ed has been a club officer and member for a good
number of years and we feel that he will be a definite asset to the
I have been informed that Branch 13, which is hosting the 1993
National in Grass Valley, California, is coming along very well
with their preparations for the show and meeting. This should be a
very fine event as it is located in the Sierra Mountains among the
tall trees and historic logging and mining country. We are looking
forward to this event.
I’ll have more next month, when we’ll talk about the
state of the iron.