Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Inc.

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1992

3510 Brooklake Rd. Brooks, OR 97303

This month we continue with the minutes of EDGE&TA’s
National meeting, held August 17, 1991, as recorded by secretary
Menno Kliewer.

A letter in the form of a motion was presented by Branch #3 that
the National be more explicit with advance information regarding
the methods of nominations and election of National officers. This
motion died for lack of a second.

The 1991 travel allowance for the National officers should
remain at $.20 per mile for this year. It was M/S/C to that

Representative Gus Peterson from Monument, Oregon presented an
invitation from EDGE&TA Branch #12 to host the 1992 National
Meeting and Show, on August 15-16 at Union Gap, Washington. He
presented directions, accommodations and general information for
all members to attend. It was M/S/C that this invitation be

President Versteeg introduced Donald W. Knowles, editor of
Engineers & Engines Magazine, which is our official
publication. Don expressed appreciation for attending and becoming
more acquainted with EDGE&TA members.

The retirement of Vice President Del Seuser was announced by
President Versteeg and gave Del praise for his 15 years of
dedicated loyalty and service to the EDGE&TA Association and
presented him with a plaque in his honor. Del presented his
farewell speech and thanked the membership for their

The question was presented whether or not we should continue to
present plaques of appreciation to other former EDGE&TA
National officers who have spent years of dedicated service. It was
M/S/C that we present another award in the coming year.


President Versteeg introduced all the candidates and the new
method of election. This took place either by proxy or from the
floor, each branch casting their one (1) vote as prescribed by the
by-laws. The following persons were elected for the coming

President, Jack Versteeg, Branch #15; Vice President, Charley
Stark, Branch #16; Secretary-Treasurer, Menno Kliewer, Branch #8;
Director of East Region, Jeffrey Jablonski, Branch #10; Director of
West Region, Gus Peterson, Branch #12.

At this time President Versteeg gave opportunity for questions,
comments or dissatisfaction regarding the new method of election of
officers with one (1) vote per branch. No response was presented.
One suggestion was made to mail all the ballots in. It was decided
however to leave it alone for awhile to get the kinks worked

Special announcement was made by President Versteeg that the
final deadline for all 1991 National dues to be in the hands of the
National Treasurer by December 31, 1991. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any branch
not having fulfilled their obligation is subject to dismissal from
the National EDGE&TA. This is important as the National has to
close their books as close to the first of the year as

The Branch #11 show report indicated that their exhibition
presented 300 engines, 165 tractors, 53 models and six steam

Floyd Moore, president of Branch #11, and all members of Branch
#11 who helped put on the show were roundly applauded for their

It was M/S/C that the 1991 National Meeting be adjourned. This
was the shortest meeting on record, lasting one hour and four

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