President 3510 Brooklake Rd., N.E. Brooks, Oregon 97303.
In continuing our mention of branches of the Early Day Gas
Engine and Tractor Association, Inc., from previous issues, we
would like to start out with:
Branch 2-They were formed in the summer of 1959 and are located
at Sussex, Wisconsin. They are the oldest branch that is still
located in the same area in which they were started. Their
membership is approximately 350 members. Their annual show is the
later part of August, the weekend before Labor Day, and is usually
a two-day event. They also hold a spring field day in April, a
picnic in June, and have their annual banquet in October. Their
membership is about 80% city folks and 20% farmers. Their
newsletter is called ‘Hits and Misses.’
Branch 3-Branch 3 was formed in February 1979 and is located on
the central coast of California. Their membership is about 400
strong. They participate in many shows from April through October,
in connection with historical parks where history comes alive for
the visitors. They also exhibit at many county fairs. Their
membership is quite diverse, being comprised of fanners, teachers,
machinists, computer specialists, and other professions. Their
newsletter is called ‘Branch 3 News.’ They have the
distinction of having the only woman president in the
Branch 5-This branch was formed in 1964. They started out at
Heston, Indiana, and in 1983 moved to Three Oaks, Michigan. Their
annual show is the first weekend of August. They also participate
in the Sorghum Festival the first weekend of October. Their
approximate membership is 90 members. Their membership comes from
northern Indiana and southern Michigan.
Branch 9-This branch was formed in January 1984. They are
located in the Grants Pass, Oregon area. They hold an annual show
on their own show grounds at Pottsville, Oregon. Pottsville was
named after State Senator Deb Potts, who has been very active in
state and local activities for many years. They also have a gas-up
on Father’s Day weekend, and they host a summer swap meet. They
have about 115 members, with 17 of them being charter members.
Their members come from southern Oregon and northern California.
Their newsletter is called ‘The Cast Iron News.’
Branch 10-This branch was started in 1980 and is located at Oak
Creek, Wisconsin. They have about 60 members, and their annual show
is held on the last weekend in June. Their newsletter is called
‘As the Crank Turns.’ Their president, Don Esch, is also on
the National board of directors, and is the director east of the
Well bring you more information about the individual branches
next month. Stay tuned!