Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association

By Staff
Published on December 1, 1996

National Vice President 3848 S. Farm Road 93 Republic, Missouri

In the last issue of GEM, that had the list of Branch officers,
we had two branches with the wrong addresses: Paul Jensen, Branch
42, 8998 Redwood Drive, Newaygo, Michigan 49337 and Todd Monroe,
Branch 12, 3311 West Lincoln Avenue, Yakima, Washington 98902.

Sorry that we made the mistakes. While you’re changing
addresses, Jack Versteeg has moved to 67293 West Highway 20, Bend,
Oregon 97701, and my new 911 address is: 3848 South Farm Road 93.
Please correct your lists.

As the National continues to grow, we would like to welcome
Branch 78 into our group. The president is Joseph E. Liesfeld, Jr.,
1815 Bennington Road, Rockville, Virginia 23146.

The 96 National, hosted by Branch 16, Springfield, Missouri is
now history. It was a very good show held in conjunction with the
Ozark Steam Engine Show. We had a lot of good engines and tractors
on display. Equipment came from all over the United States. The
National Business Meeting was well attended with even two visitors
from Australia.

Present officers were reelected. The five inductees to the
National Gas and Steam Hall of Fame for 1996 were as follows:

Menno Kliewer, Reedly, California; Carl Mehmke, Great Falls,
Montana, Amos Rixmann, Nashville, Illinois; Alan King, Radnor,
Ohio; and Clyde Shurman, Woodland, Washington.

I’ll have more about these men in the next article and also
a report of the two Regional shows.

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