Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assoc. Inc.

By Staff
Published on February 1, 1992

Vice Pres. Rt 2, Box 167-A Republic, Missouri 65738

The National has three new officers this year. I thought this
would be a good way to introduce your new officers through this
article. This month I would like to feature Gus Peterson, director
for the West Region.

Gus is 69 years young and has lived in Oregon all of his life.
His residence is in the eastern part of the state with about 1200
acres of timber. Gus has been a Certified Tree Farmer since 1956.
Gus and his wife Ruth have raised three boys, all married now; all
three have chosen a life with some connection to machinery.

Gus has always liked machinery of any kind and was a mechanic in
the Army. After the Army, Gus worked for a local Ford dealer for
eight years. He then worked as a fleet mechanic for a rural
electric power utility for 29 years before retiring in 1986.

Gus and Ruth both enjoy traveling so they use the annual
National Meet as an excuse to travel. They have attended eleven
Nationals, and will continue as long as possible. Ruth crochets
while they travel. The Petersons belong to Branches 9, 12, and 15,
being most active in Branch 12. Branch 12 is looking forward to
hosting the National Meet in August of 1992.

Gus enjoys preserving and displaying his antique engine
collection, which includes a New Way, a Maytag with a churn and a
meat grinder, and various makes of engines.

Gus has a concern for safety at all shows, and encourages
everyone to be aware of the dangers when someone exhibits their
engines. Gus looks forward to meeting new friends as well as seeing
old friends at the 1992 National.

Thanks to Del Seuser, former Vice-President, for his many years
of service to the National. He is greatly appreciated.

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