Dodge County Antique Power Club Features Massey-Harris

By Staff
Published on April 1, 1993
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A portrait of classic Massey-Harris lines featuring Massey 44s and 444s at the 1992 show.
A portrait of classic Massey-Harris lines featuring Massey 44s and 444s at the 1992 show.
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Threshing winter wheat with a model 25 Massey-Harris tractor owned by Rudy Schmied of Watertown. Wisconsin.
Threshing winter wheat with a model 25 Massey-Harris tractor owned by Rudy Schmied of Watertown. Wisconsin.
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Threshing winter wheat with a 1935 McCormick-Deering 10-20 owned by Harris Ferch of Brandon, Wisconsin, supplying the power.
Threshing winter wheat with a 1935 McCormick-Deering 10-20 owned by Harris Ferch of Brandon, Wisconsin, supplying the power.
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A 25-45 Case crossmount tractor owned by Rudy Schmied, parked next to a 65 horsepower steam engine for comparison. The steamer is owned by Bill Lanzendorf of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
A 25-45 Case crossmount tractor owned by Rudy Schmied, parked next to a 65 horsepower steam engine for comparison. The steamer is owned by Bill Lanzendorf of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
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Wayne Kassube of Lake Mills, Wisconsin bales corn stalks with an IHC haypress powered by a 12 HP Economy engine.
Wayne Kassube of Lake Mills, Wisconsin bales corn stalks with an IHC haypress powered by a 12 HP Economy engine.

1301 S. 9th Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094

The Dodge County Fairgrounds at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin was the
site of an interesting gathering of Massey-Harris collectors and
their machines last August 1 and 2. The Dodge County Antique Power
Club put on its 24th annual show at the fairgrounds and the
featured attraction was Massey-Harris, Wallis and Massey-Ferguson
tractors and equipment.

The Dodge County group’s show was very successful, with a
record number of exhibitors (about 260) from all over Wisconsin.
There were also exhibitors from Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan,
North Dakota, and Washington. General attendance was about 3300,
rain showers Sunday morning held down numbers a little but still a
nice crowd.

All weekend, winter wheat was threshed with two separators using
both steam and gas power. There were also treasure hunts for the
kids in the straw pile.

Plenty of logs were sawed at the sawmill, under the supervision
of sawyer Marvin Rustad of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin.

Red cedar logs were converted into shingles at the shingle mill
which was powered by an Oil Pull, both owned by Rudy Schmied of

Saturday evening, an antique tractor pull, overseen by club
president Henry Sillman, got under way in front of the grandstand.
There were about 90 pullers participating. Sunday afternoon a slow
race was also run in front of the grandstand.

Three steam engines were at the show this year. These were a 65
HP Case owned by Bill Lanzendorf of Beaver Dam, an 80 HP Nichols
and Shepard owned by Jim Tesch of Lake Mills, and a 75 HP Baker
owned by Wes Seyfert of Germantown.

The tractor rows get longer every year. This year about 140 old
timers of all makes and models were on display.

The club owns an ancient wooden Belle City separator with hand
feed and a straw carrier. Sunday afternoon this old relic was put
to work threshing out some winter wheat. It was powered by a 10 HP
Sandwich gas engine.

Wayne and Jim Kassube of Lake Mills put on an interesting
display using corn held over from the previous year. The corn was
run through a husker-shredder and the stalks baled with an IHC
stationary baler.

Plenty of gas engines, a farm toy show, tractor parade, flea
marketers, corn roast and all the other things necessary for a
threshing show were all there.

The Massey feature turned out very well, with 32 individual
exhibitors showing over 40 tractors and several gas engines. The
classic Masseys were well represented with Pony, Pacer, Mustang,
81, 22, 101, 30, 33, 333, 44, 444, 55, and 555 models on display.
The older Masseys were also represented by several Pacemakers and
Challengers, a Model 25, and two four wheel drive GPs. A couple of
Wallis tractors and a pair of Massey-Fergusons rounded out the
display. All in all not a bad showing, considering Massey-Harris
isn’t a numerous brand in this area.

Highlights of the Massey display included: Fred Kolb of
Blanchardville with a pair of M-H gas engines earning their keep
running a corn shelter and a burr mill; Gerald Popp of West Allis
brought a big 6 HP M-H engine; Ken and Al Cascaddan brought a
Massey 81 and a Pony all the way from Lapeer, Michigan; Mike Popp
of Franksville brought a rare 81 standard, Alan Painter of Redmund,
Washington brought a 1931 GP four wheel drive which he was hauling
home after buying it in Michigan; George Paddock of Black Earth
displayed another four wheel drive GP on steel; Rudy Schmied of
Watertown belted his model 25 to one of the separators and threshed
out a lot of winter wheat.

The Antique Power Club did a brisk business selling raffle
tickets on a nice running little Massey 22. The raffle was drawn in
October at the club’s banquet. The tractor was won by Milt
Blumenberg of Waterloo.

Next year, for its 25th anniversary the Dodge County Antique
Power Club will feature that obscure green line known as John
Deere. That show will be August 7 and 8, 1993.

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