Route 2 Winchester, KY 40391
In 1952, Mr. David Craycraft moved to his farm on Mt. Sterling
Road, four miles east of Winchester, Kentucky. In 1959, he became
semi-retired due to surgery. Since that time he has been dealing in
antique engines, restoring and showing them. He has owned well over
100 engines and several tractors.
In the spring, Mr. Craycraft contacted me to auction his
collection. This was a very emotional time for me, as David has
been my friend for several years.
We advertised in the Gas Engine Magazine and got good results.
People registered for buying numbers from as far away as
California. All together, there were over nine states represented,
including Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina,
California, Virginia, Tennessee, and Missouri.
We sold a Williams Grist Mill with a 16-inch stone for $1,525.
Engines ranged from $150 to over $600. We sold several light plants
with generator, and a 1928 Ford car made into a shuttle body for
$2,000. The auction totaled over $26,000. David and I both want to
thank all of our friends.