Rt. 1, Box 96 Weyers Cave, Virginia 24486
The Blue Ridge Steam and Gas Association held its first show on
June 23-25, 1988, with the Weyers Cave, Virginia, Volunteer Fire
Department Lawn Party. The enclosed photos reflect a successful
event. The Blue Ridge Steam and Gas Association was organized in
November, 1987, became incorporated in April, 1988 and now has 87
charter members and 108 members. Our success is due to community
support and the Weyers Cave Volunter Fire Department advertising,
exchanging ideas and providing lighted grounds and building.
Our first show had 103 exhibitors with 149 gas engines, 47
tractors, 3 oil pulls, 3 steam engines, 41 model engines, a model
steam-engine and saw mill. Each day there was a wood saw and hay
press-bailer in operation. On Saturday a John Deere tractor inched
out the competition in a slow-tractor race and the winner has been
given ‘braggin’ rights’ until next year. A lot of
interest was shown in a hog oiler on display.
There were exhibitors from 4 states-Virginia, West Virginia, New
York and North Carolina. We want to thank the exhibitors, people
that hauled equipment, fire department,. community businesses and
our spouses.
We sold hats and had a 50/50 drawing to help cover expenses. For
next year, June 29, 30, and July 1, 1989, we are looking forward
to- hard work, a tractor pull, more lights in display area,
visiting other shows and working with exhibitors. It all adds up to
an ‘old fashioned good time’. Make plans to join us next