988 W. Mt. Garfield, Muskegon, Michigan 49441 Photos by Ken
The Antique Farm Power Club Show for 1998 was held June 11-13 at
Newaygo County Fairgrounds in Fremont, Michigan. It’s the start
of a very busy week for the members of The Antique Farm Power Club.
What with getting the fairgrounds ready, making sure we have all
the people in place for the various chores, and praying for good
weather, there is not a minute to spare.
‘Hey, didn’t I see Fred trying to catch his breath? If
he has time to breathe, have him set up those garbage
‘Let’s have some help setting up this tent. It says to
unroll the canvas like so. Oops! Will somebody see if they can
catch that thing before it blows to Newaygo?’ This all happened
Monday the eighth, before breakfast, and it was up hill from
Here it is, the afternoon of the tenth, and we think we have all
of our ducks in a row. Not many tail feathers left, an occasional
bandaged wing, but, all in a row.
At this point, it all seemed to be worth the effort because we
are going to have a show after all, and it looks like a pretty good
one, from the looks of that equipment coming into the fairgrounds.
A sight for an old engine or tractor collector is a pile of scrap
iron. A nice sight is when this pile of scrap iron can be made into
something that runs or moves or even has a practical purpose. A
pretty nice sight is when the person paints this ‘machine’
they have made from the scrap iron. A real pretty sight is when you
see a White Freightliner semi tractor with a long flatbed trailer
behind it, carrying five meticulously restored Oliver tractors.
There were also some real pretty sightings of loads of Farmalls and
John Deeres.
About this time, I lost track of what was coming into the show
grounds, as I was up to my bib overall straps in a greasy old
oilfield engine that wouldn’t run right.
Since our club is Chapter 42 of the Early Day Gas Engine and
Tractor Association, it was our turn to host the Eastern Division
of the EDGE&TA show this year. There was a tent displaying
brochures and pamphlets about this fine organization.
This year we featured Oliver-Hart -Parr tractors and equipment,
along with Oliver garden tractors, and Economy gas engines. (The
Sparta Economy was built less than 20 miles away, in Sparta,
Michigan, by the Holm’s Machine Company.) There was a very
respectable turnout of all featured equipment.
There were buildings filled with farm related toys, arts and
crafts, and even baked goods. You could find concession stands at
every nook and cranny, with vendors anxious for you to taste their
On Thursday the eleventh, there was an auction sale for farm
related items. This always brings in a nice crowd from the
community. It is a lot of fun, and adds a real nice touch to the
Every evening there was some sort of entertainment. On Thursday
we had gospel music, Friday was the (world famous) Scottville Clown
Band, and Saturday it was a tractor pull.
Every day there would be equipment runs several times. Watching
the threshing; sawing, chopping, grinding, baling, and doing
whatever these machines do sure brought back some memories.
All three days there were tractor games and parades. On Saturday
morning there was a pedal tractor pull, and many other games for
the younger antique engine and tractor enthusiasts.
Upon tallying the equipment at our show, we found we had the
following: 208 miscellaneous engines, 204 tractors, 58 garden
tractors, 32 pedal tractors, 17 hog oilers, 12 antique trucks, 7
antique or classic autos, 2 oilfield engines, 1 pedal bull dozer,
and thousands of models and miniatures.
In 1999 our show will be held June 10, 11 and 12. We will be
featuring B. F. Avery tractors, Hercules engines, and steel wheeled
garden tractors. Our main feature this year is to have a good time,
and for you to join us.