R. R. 1, Muscatine, Ia. 52761
I am a new subscriber and enjoy your magazine very much. I
thought you and your readers might like to hear about a visit I
made to the Midwest Old Settlers’ and Threashers’ Reunion
At Mount Pleasant, Iowa, last Sept.
This is billed as the largest show of it’s kind in the
U.S.A. and once you see it you understand why.
There were close to fifty old steam engines of all sizes, from
the huge under mounted engine models to the tiny three foot high
one made entirely of brass and hand built by the owner. One steamer
was operating a veneer machine turning out foot after foot of
unbroken veneer. O small upright engine ran the merry go round.
The circumference of the show ground is about three miles, and
is surrounded by a railroad track. An old time Western train
operates on this track and is complete with the old water tank and
depot. There was another old locomotive operating there and an old
loggers’ steamer that was not running.
The gasoline tractors and engines were well represented too.
There were the Rumley, Fordson, Hart-Parr, and many others up to
and including the huge Oil Pull. There was also a Happy Farmer,
operating perfectly. The one I enjoyed most was a tractor
introduced to the fanner at the time many horses were still in use.
The operator road a cart behind the tractor, holding a pair of
leather reins in his hands the same as with horses. The other end
of the reins were attached to an upright post on the tractor, as
long as this post was upright the tractor was in neutral, allowing
the post to go forward put the tractor in forward motion, pull it
back beyond center it reversed, and pulling either rein separately
turned either right or left.
There were many one cylinder stationary gas engines on display,
most of them running. One in particular interested me, it was about
a six horse, I think International sitting there running. It seemed
you could almost count the spokes in the fly-wheel, it was turning
so slowly. It would turn for almost a minute with out a sound, then
it would go ‘phutt’ and start over again.
Several hundred antique automobiles were there, some from as far
away as New York. The Ford, Flint, Kissel, Auburn, Oldsmobile,
Dusenberg, and many others were all represented.
Large buildings filled with antiques of all kinds holds much
interest for the people attending.
On part of the grounds are authentic buildings, completely
furnished, of the Old Settlers’s cabin, saloon, wagon shop,
post office and newspaper, the old country store, and the barber
shop with hair cuts at twenty-five cents.
It costs only one dollar per person to see all this and this
also makes you a member for one year. The show lasts five days and
this one cost is coverage for the entire time including shows in
the amphitheatre.
There is a nice camp group just outside the gates, while inside
an old fashioned threashers’ dinner is served at noon. This of
course is not free. You can not see it all in one day and the day
we were there about fifteen thousand people attended.
I have an old two cycle engine, less than one horse, I have
restored that I will send pictures and write to you about
An ‘Alco’ engine made by Automatic Light Company, Port
Clinton, Ohio. No number or horse power, 4 cycle, no governor,
‘T’ coil ignition, water cooled. Want information on this
engine. 12.. dia. flywheel, about 2? bore by about 4′