Dixieland Engine & Agriculture Club Route 4, Box 105
Ellisville, Mississippi 39437
The Dixieland Old Time Engine and Agriculture Club held its 7th
Annual Show on April 8-10, 1988 at the Laurel, Mississippi
Fairgrounds. The theme of this year’s show was ‘Puff,
Putt’n and Pop’, and featured engines dating from the turn
of the century to a modern rocket engine of the type that lifted
the lunar module off the moon.
We had 161 gas, 11 steam, 9 outboard, 3 marine, 2 Maytag washing
machines, 3 tractors, 5 hot air, 2 vacuum, 2 rocket and 1 antique
airplane engine. Also 1 truck and two trailer loads of ‘trading
engines’. Buying, selling, and trading was brisk at times.
Each engine or exhibit entitled the owner to a free chance on an
engine to be given away. Tommy Cox of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, was
the lucky winner.
The Pinebelt Antique Auto Club held their show and swap meet at
the same time, so the days were filled with the noise of running
engines and the smell of gasoline while the nights hosted the sound
of bluegrass music furnished by local bands who came to pick and
sing. Hundreds of people gathered Saturday afternoon to watch the
square dancers and doggers perform.
This year we tried to have something for every member of the
family to enjoy. In addition to the music and dancing, young and
old alike enjoyed riding around the race track in the antique
James Phillips and grandson Joseph brought 2 teams of Welsh
ponies and mules with their covered wagons and, to our surprise,
the ladies seemed to enjoy these rides as much as the kids.
The cattle judging pavilion was the site for flea market vendors
selling antiques, collectibles, arts, and crafts. Next year we hope
to have 150 dealers present.
Our 1989 show will be held the first week in April.
Camping hook-ups are furnished free and for those who wish to
pitch tents or sleep in vans, we have hot showers and conveniently
located restrooms, compliments of the City of Laurel.
Start making plans to attend, bring the family, and after the
show we’ll ‘babysit’ your engines if you want to spend
a few days on the beautiful Gulf Coast.