1997 Sistersville Oil and Gas Festival

By Staff
Published on August 1, 1998
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Richard McCoy's 20 HP Reid.
Richard McCoy's 20 HP Reid.
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Larry Thomas' 12 HP Reid.
Larry Thomas' 12 HP Reid.
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Some oil field exhibits.
Some oil field exhibits.
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Gerald Corders' 10 HP Spang baling machine.
Gerald Corders' 10 HP Spang baling machine.

Route 1, Box 209 Middlebourne, West Virginia 26149

The Little Sister Oil Well at the ferry landing welcomed
exhibitors and visitors alike to a very successful show indeed.

Two hundred four exhibitors bringing with them 502 engines
speaks for itself. Thirteen states were represented including:
Indiana, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, Maryland, North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Mississippi, Wisconsin and Kansas.
We do appreciate everybody’s effort in showing their engines.
It takes an extraordinary effort to tow some of these large engines

John Roop once again ‘clawed’ his way over several
mountains from the Baltimore area to show his fine 25 HP Reid; Dale
Burbridge brought his 25 HP Pattin; Richard Scott had his 20 HP
Pattin; Fred Anderson his 20 HP half-breed; Bob Deitz showed his 12
HP Pattin, and 4 HP Reid; Miles Lamm had his 20 HP Pattin; Gary
Arnold brought an 8 HP Able Pumping Power; George Niblock had his
15 HP Pattin half-breed; Kirk Taylor had a 16 HP Jones; Ralph Smith
had his 15 HP Reid; Gerald Corders had his 10 HP Spang; Tom Cox
brought his 15 HP Reid; Richard McCoy had his slick 20 HP Reid;
Allen Etzer had his 8 HP Reid; Dale Henthorn brought a 20 HP half
breed; Harold Smith his 20 HP Reid; Larry Thomas from Nashville had
his 12 HP Reid. This engine had all the old oil field workers
talking as his system of gasoline fired, no kick starting and many
other attachments made them wonder why they fought those engines
all those years.

Larry Richards and Bob Coates of Wisconsin made the show with a
large display of hog oilers. Ah, yeah, last year I mentioned this
fellow from Valencia, Pennsylvania, claimed this show made his
‘jaws’ tired. Well this year he had a nice display of corn
shelters, and guess what they’re still running! (HIS JAWS, that

There were many other engines of every description displayed for
your enjoyment. Engines in engine row had more exposure this year
due to the efforts of our show organizer, Web Anderson, who made
sure the campers were moved in. I heard many onlookers and
exhibitors express their appreciation. Keep up the good work,

At dusk the lighted glow of the many ‘yellow dogs’ give
the engine rows a special effect. A true relic of the oil field.
The turn of the century derrick worker had to work with very
limited visibility. I guess if the moon wasn’t shining, it was
better than nothing.

Another key happening was a recent wedding celebrated at the gas
engine show. Bill and Georgi Locker, owners of the Ding-A-Ling
Railroad, gave the happy couple a tour up and down engine row while
onlookers clapped their hands. Good luck, Bobby Ashcraft and

Burl Eddy from Newport, Ohio, had three very nice standard oil
rig models on display and for sale. Other interesting rigs were
also on display.

Also the large tent had many crafts and such to browse through.
On the stage music filled the air every night. Show dates for
’98 are September 17, 18, 19, 20. See you there!

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