Jr. Route 2, Box 7N Concord, Virginia 24538
As our show opened, Friday, May 17 at 5:30 a.m., lightning was
flashing and rain conning down as Larry Dowdy and the Channel 7
News crew pulled into the parking lot of the Stonewall Antique
Power Association. The interview had to be moved inside because of
the rain, but we had a very informative talk with George Evans,
Bill Layne, Tom Schmutz, and Ernest Campbell.
Lyle Moore opened his farm and his heart to exhibitors and
spectators with all kinds of exhibits and motor homes for another
show and swap meet. Some people came in at least a week before the
show, such as Ray Carpenter from Vermont, and ‘Sarge’
Jarrett and others from North Carolina. During the week other
exhibitors from Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Florida, and
all over Virginia came to enjoy the scenery and hospitality of the
Stonewall Antique Power Association.
By Saturday, all the hard work of our president Ronnie Moore and
our secretary Betty Crews and the other dedicated members began to
pay off. The ladies of our club fixed an outstanding breakfast,
which sold out both days (a special thanks to Wanda Harris and her
ladies). The exhibitors began to pour in until the field looked
like a beehive at work.
We had 70-plus antique tractors. John Deere was our featured
tractor, which we had in abundance, also Case, Allis, Ford, IHC,
Minneapolis-Moline, and many more, including 20 garden tractors.
There were 133 antique gas engines of all kinds, corn shelling, com
grinding, water pumps, also washing machines operated by hand or
motorized, and 41 antique autos and trucks, and three antique
motorcycles. We had a large flea market and crafts, The Flatland
Cloggers from Chesapeake, Blue-grass music, The Buckingham Lining
Bar Gang, and a large auction of consignment items. A church group
sold baked goods, the club ladies sold beans. Another church group
helped sell soft drinks. We had two parades of rolling stock. At
about 5:00 p.m., it was so hot that some exhibitors and spectators
began to leave, but a good time was had by all in attendance.
Sunday started off with a delicious breakfast and a very
uplifting worship service by George Evans, that was enjoyed by all
in the audience.
Some new exhibitors arrived, and we ‘ were off and running.
We had train rides for the children, and two more parades of
rolling stock, along with special music by a local gospel group. A
drawing for $500 was held at day’s end.
Our show was the biggest and best yet. I cannot begin to name
all the people who helped but a few are: the Moores; the Crewes;
the Andersons (Mark is a publisher of our quarterly newsletter);
the Evans; the Hagers; the Wilkins (B.J. is the pretty one); the
Harrises; the Millses; members who sold admission and raffle
tickets; members who worked in the registration booth; the people
who worked in the drink booths; members who hauled water and helped
unload and load motors; and others, especially the people who
greeted and thanked each exhibitor.
A special thanks to the Virginia Defense Force for parking cars,
the Concord Fire Department, and the Concord Rescue Squad. It is
good to see the community get involved.
I would like to thank Dr. Bell, Dr. Franz, and ‘Connie’
for helping this old man to see one more successful show in